Prayer Times
Today’s Prayer Times of your location. Turn on the GPS to get accurate salah times of your location or Print a beautiful monthly payer times table!
Prayer Times in Quran
After the testimony of Faith, Salah (prayer) is the second major pillar of Islam. So Salah is an obligation for every Muslim to perform it on time. Muslims from all across the globe perform Salah five times a day: ​
Fajr | |
Dhuhr | |
Asr | |
Maghrib | |
Isha |
Like Ramadan, Hajj and Friday prayer, Salah is also one of the rituals that must be performed within the correct time frame. If a prayer is performed before the prescribed time, the Salah will not be accepted. One must repeat this prayer when the time comes. At the same time, people are disobedient when a prayer is made too late. Allah has ordered us in ayah 103 of Surah 4 to perform the prayers at least (there are some other conditions) within the right time in order to get a prayer accepted!
Calculation Method for the prayer times
The Calculation method for the prayer times in Canada is based on the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). This method is using 15 degrees for Angle of the sun under the horizon (Fajr) and 15 degrees Angle of the sun under the horizon (Isha). Parts of the USA, Canada, Parts of the UK use this method.
The difference between Standard and Hanafi
The only difference is in the Asr prayer. The schools of Shafii, Hanbali, and Maliki use this method and Asr time starts when the shadow of an object is equivalent to its height. In the Hanafi method the Asr prayer time starts when the shadow of an object is twice its height. We use the standard method, so If your local mosque is using the Hanafi method you need to change this in the settings of the Prayer Times widget.
Latitude, Longitude and Time zone of your location
To calculate the prayer times for your location, we need to know the latitude, longitude and the local timezone. We try to detect the longitude, latitude and timezone of your current city or town automatically. If you face any difference in prayer timings according to your current location then please confirm the latitude and longitude first at the settings of the Prayer Times widget.
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months (summer time), and back again in the fall (winter time), in order to make better use of natural strong daylight. The prayer times widget is adjusting the daylight savings automatically according to your location.
Are the Prayer Times of your location accurate?Â
We have explained above what calculation method is used to show the prayer times for. However, it is possible that your local mosque is using a different method. If this is the case then we recommend you to follow the prayer times of your local mosque. In addition, we would greatly appreciate it if you take the time to inform us by using the contact form about the differences so we can adjust the prayer times of your location.